
We are a global missions network partnering with local churches to reach youth for Christ. We have worked with a diverse landscape of churches and church planting movements in 13 nations and 4 different continents, running intercultural sports camps that have a proven track record of effectively reaching youth and families with the Gospel, and catalyzing church growth. 

Breakaway Outreach brings over 29 years of youth outreach experience to the table:

  • 230+ youth camps facilitated
  • 25,000+ young people and family members hearing the Gospel
  • 5,800+ decisions to take next steps in following Jesus
  • 135+ churches have been directly impacted by youth outreach partnerships (planted, revitalized, mobilized, or youth ministries developed)

Would your church like to implement an effective outreach strategy to reach more families in your community? Would you like to see sustained growth year after year? Do you want to see young people come to Jesus and develop into leaders in your church? Our intercultural sports ministry has been seeing results for nearly three decades and can help you achieve your outreach goals. 

Our “sport camp in a box” offers a seamless approach to evangelism and “next steps” for discipleship. This camp model helps your church to reach youth, parents, and entire families for Jesus. 

Sport is a universal language with intercultural appeal. Running a week-long sports camp or series of sports outreach clinics have proven to be highly effective platforms in reaching gospel-destitute youth and families in any community. Find out more

“The sports camp outreach model in partnership with our American friends has been one of the greatest evangelistic tools our church has employed.”

—Hans (Pastor, Germany)

“We partnered with Breakaway Outreach for a three-week English sports camp in Korea. A great collaboration was formed between foreigners and locals, becoming one in Jesus. This had a profound impact upon the young people hearing the gospel and learning about Jesus at the camp.”

—Stephen (Pastor, Korea)

“I’m one of the youth leaders in my region. The Lord allowed me to be in contact with pastor Jimmy [Breakaway Outreach] and by the grace of God, last year in November, the pastor invited me to Ghana, Accra, to be part of the team to really learn through the ministry of sport. It is my first time to see that putting youth together to play sport, we can share the gospel with them. I [also] noticed through the sport, we can be in contact with Muslim youth and share the gospel with them.”

—James (Pastor, West Africa)